/our-mantra Our Mantra - Kitchen Mantra

The value of spices

Our authentic cooking takes time and effort. All our dishes are cooked fresh to order. Our food is exotically delicious and the flavor demonstrates the freshness. We do not use animal fat or preservatives. All of our meats are lean and fresh. In other words, you are enjoying a very unique, tasty and healthy meal.

At Kitchen Mantra, all spices listed below are commonly used in most of our dishes, and despite enhancing the taste of foods, have great health benefits. Here are some resent studies to prove that:

Curry Powder (Curcumin)
The Benefit - Boosts your bowels

Curcumin, which gives curry its yellow colour - is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that, according to a resent Leicester University study, protects against colon cancer. It has also been shown to combact wrinkles by reducing the interaction between tissue and glucose

The Benefit - Blasts Bacteria

Research at Kansas State University in the US showed sprinkling a pinch on raw meat controlled the growth of harmful bacteria, including E.Coli and salmonella. It can also help control blood-sugar levels in diabetics, stimulating the production of glucose-burning enzymes and boosting insulin's effectiveness.

The Benefit - Avoids Alzheimer's

A study at the University of California found elders living in an Indian village who ate turmeric-spiced curries every day had the lowest incidence of this brain disease in the world. Just one percent of those aged 65 and older were affected - less than half the rate in the West.

The Benefit - Nukes Nausea

A Resent Thai Study found ginger eased nausea in over 50 percent of cases. In fact, it's so effective for travel sickness that NASA astronauts take it during missions, and , unlike other remedies, it doesn't cause drowsiness. It's also an anti-inflammatory, eases arthritic pain and combats indigestion.

The Benefit - A breath of fresh air

A staple of Indian and Middle Eastern cooking, cardamom is rich in cineole - a potent antiseptic that kills the bacteria that causes bad breath. In emergencies try chewing a